गुरुवार, 30 दिसंबर 2010
India and South Africa
साउथ अफ्रीका मे चल रहा टेस्ट मैच काफी अच्छी पोसितिओन मे आ गया है. इंडिया को अगर नेक्स्ट मैच वीन है तो इंडियन प्लायेर्स को मैच मे काफी अच्छा पर्फोर्मांस देना होगा. तभी इंडिया मैच और सीरीच वीन सकता है वरना इंडिया को नेक्स्ट मैच वीन मे काफी प्रॉब्लम होगी. साउथ अफ्रीका इंडिया के लिया कोई बना रहा होगा. इंडियन प्लायेर्स को कुछ करना होगा वरना इंडियन प्लायेर्स के लिया मैच वीन नहीं हो पायगा.
शुक्रवार, 24 दिसंबर 2010
World Cup 2011
World Cup
In this time India, South Africa and Australia is a strong team. But the world cup is very important than no best in this time. Because every team are win by world cup. But India, South Africa and Australia is most chance to win the world cup. Australia record for world cup is very good than India and South Africa are very tuff to win World Cup. In India and South Africa are play for good in continue than winning percentage are high otherwise wins are not for future. The batch strengths are good in India and South Africa.
World Cup 2011
In this time India, South Africa and Australia is a strong team. But the world cup is very important than no best in this time. Because every team are win by world cup. But India, South Africa and Australia is most chance to win the world cup. Australia record for world cup is very good than India and South Africa are very tuff to win World Cup. In India and South Africa are play for good in continue than winning percentage are high otherwise wins are not for future. The batch strengths are good in India and South Africa.
गुरुवार, 23 दिसंबर 2010
India is the best country of the world and so many people to love for India. India is not a small country India is a very big country.
सदस्यता लें
संदेश (Atom)